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Reco12 Shares - Live Today!


What is Reco12 Shares?

* Have you ever been in a place where you REALLY need to hear someone's Solution: their Experience, Strength, and Hope, but couldn't get into a recovery meeting?

* Have you ever been in a recovery meeting and REALLY needed to share, but they ran out of time?

* Have you ever had an epiphany in your recovery and just HAD to get it out in the world, speak it out loud, and work it out so it sticks deeper in your mind and soul? Even in the middle of the night?

Reco12 Shares is an always open, always available unaffiliated 12 Step recovery meeting. You can join in the podcast and hear a handful of, short, Solution-based shares in each episode at any time. Here is where you can find a link to Reco12 Shares on virtually every podcast platform out there: .

You can also submit your own Solution-based shares at any time through our SpeakPipe portal that can be accessed from any smartphone, tablet, or computer. That share will then be vetted and uploaded into one of the next meetings that will be released.

If you are awakened in the middle of the night by a “holy crap” revelation on a principle of recovery, just record it on the Reco12 Shares link. Then it is saved forever.

If you hear a share or a talk and have some amazing insights, record them for others to hear in and out of your home group and fellowship!

Listen to others experience, strength, and hope when you are feeling restless, irritable, or discontented. When you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. Get a boost from someone’s strength and hope.

Now, there are a few ground rules to the shares. These ground

rules are pretty typical in most 12 Step Groups. Here they are:

DO state your first name ONLY and identify yourself as you would in your home group!

DO share The Solution: your Experience, Strength, and Hope!

DO keep it to under 4 minutes!

DO know this share will be made public on Reco12 Shares!

DO NOT story-tell or share your mess-that's what a sponsor's for!

DO NOT leave ANY contact information of ANY kind!

DO NOT promote or proselytize products or specific religions!

DO NOT comment directly about any other previous Reco12 Share-No crosstalk here!

Each episode will be between 16 and 20 minutes long and will be laid out like this:

1. A 1 minute or so introduction of Reco12 Shares and how you can get involved.

2. 4 to 6 short shares from people just like you who are sharing the Solution: Their Experience, Strength, and Hope.

3. A quick closing comment.

4. A recorded recovery prayer to launch the listener off into the rest of their day.

There are 2 different kinds of recordings you can make for Reco12 Shares that can be included in future meetings and episodes.

1. A 2 to 4 minute share of your own experience, strength, and hope: how applying the principles of recovery are bringing you to the Solution.

a. Introduce yourself as you would in a recovery meeting, “Hi, I’m Justin and I am a recovering addict…”

b. Then share as you would there.

c. End the recording and submit it.

2. A recording of you saying your favorite recovery prayer.

a. Introduce yourself using this as an example: Hi, I’m Justin and I am a recovering addict and this is the … state the prayer of your choosing”

b. Then read, recite, or say that prayer

c. End the recording and submit it.

But how do I record? I am glad you asked! I will do my best to audibly walk you through the process.

1. Go to or click on the link to it in the show notes of this podcast or at

2. Read the instructions on the page if it is your first time.

3. Click the big blue button in the middle of the page that says “start recording”

4. Record your share or prayer

5. Click the blue button that says “Stop”.

6. Type your first name in the “Your name” box and hit send.

7. Voila! You are done!

Here are a couple of things to help put you at ease. These are shares! They are not rehearsed, edited, perfected presentations. These are who you are and how you are, as long as you stay in the Solution and out of the problem with your share. Don’t worry about quality, mumbles, ums, ers, or anything like that. Just submit it and speak as you would in a recovery meeting. No judgements here.

Now…What’s holding you back?!?! Go listen to the episodes that are out now! Rate and review the podcast! Get to or and submit your own experience, strength, and hope. Become a Reco12 Spearhead. Then, keep coming back… because it works when you work it, … and dang it… you are worth it!!



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